Navigating Childhood Again: Making Friends as an Adult
Friendship, that warm connection born from shared experiences and mutual understanding, is a fundamental aspect of our human experience. As children, making friends may have seemed as natural to us as breathing, but as adults, the landscape shifts, and the process becomes more complicated.

The Healing Power Of Forgiveness To Ourselves And Others
Forgiving someone for an act or behaviour can be a challenging journey but so can forgiving ourselves for something we’ve done or how we’ve behaved.
Forgiveness is a powerful and transformative process that can bring about profound healing, both mentally and emotionally. Holding onto resentment and anger weighs us down, preventing our growth and hindering our overall well-being.

7 Types of Anxiety and How They Impact Us
Anxiety is a word we hear very often but anxiety is not one thing. Understanding the spectrum of anxiety, the various forms it takes and the techniques we can build into our everyday lives to live with it and support those around us who suffer from it is critical. There are many forms but here are the 7 most common I help people work with and return to happy and fulfilled lives #thinkfultherapy #proactivementalhealth #counselling #therapy
I Just Don’t Have Time…Said Everyone!
How can therapy give me my time back?
We often extort time in the name of self-improvement and use it as yet another platform to judge ourselves and others by.

I want to talk to someone…so where do I start?
Have you found yourself in the situation asking yourself “this thing is getting too big for me to handle and it’s taking up too much brain space but who do I go to, to sort it out?”
If this sounds like you then a counselling session may be the best thing you can do for yourself. However, if you’ve never done it before, knowing how to start counselling & therapy can feel overwhelming.
Here we’ll help you with each step of the process in starting counselling. From finding the right therapist to understanding which type of therapy might work best for you…we’ve got it all here for you.

Financial Stress and its impact on your mental health
With interest rates rising and the cost of living sky rocketing financial stress is affecting most of us in many different ways. By understanding and finding ways to reduce our financial stress – and its emotional impact on us – can help make this challenging time a bit easier.

Introducing Thinkful…Therapy for the Everyday You
Introducing Thinkful…Therapy for the Everyday You
Thinkful was born out of wanting to make a serious change to the mental health industry.